Escape from Tarkov
* Enable (Hold, Toggle, Always)
* Visible check
* Silent aimbot
* Bullet manipulation
* Instant hit
* Autofire (Hold, Toggle, Always)
* Target lock (Hold, Toggle, Always)
* Show FOV (First/Second colorpicker)
* Show target (On enemy, Under crosshair)
* Autowall
* Visible priority
* Autowall Minimum damage
* Penetration chance (0-100%)
* Max distance (0-1500m)
* Bones (Head, Neck, Arms, Stomach, Pelvis, Feet)
* Target role (Pmc, Boss, Follower, Scav, Bot, Team)
* Target selection (Closest to crosshair, Closest by distance, Lowerest HP)
* Max distance (1-1500m)
* Enable
* Render distance (1-1500m)
* Out of FOV arrows
* Colorpicker OOFA (Visible, Invisible)
* Render distance Out of FOV arrows (1-1500m)
* Visible check
* Chams (Primary/Secondary)
* Glow effect type (1-5)
* Health bar
* Ammo bar
* Skeleton (Visible, Invisible colorpicker)
* Line of sight
* Flags (Name, Weapon name, Role, Distance, Ammo, Price)
* Box (Rectangle, Corner, Rectangle & Outline, Corner & Outline)
* Box color (Visible/Invisible)
* Show hitmarker (Colorpicker)
* Show bullet tracers (Gradient, First color, Second color)
* Show weapon info (Colorpicker)
* Show crosshair (Colorpicker)
* Show penetration chance
* Hitsound (Hit/Head/Volume)
* Sun ambient changer (Colorpicker)
* Time changer
* Weather controller (Clouds density, Rain intensity, Fog, Thunder)
* Show exfils (Colorpicker)
* Only open exfils
* Tips exits
* Show stationary weapons
* Show landmines (Colorpicker, alredy show invisible mines zones and claymores)
* Render distance landmines (1-1500m)
* Show grenades (Frag, Smoke, Stun)
[ LOOT ]
* Enable
* Battle mode (Hold, Toggle, Always)
* Color scheme (New, Old)
* Modifications (Color by price, Show cells, Price per cell)
* Categories (Keys, Barter, Containers, Provisions and etc)
* Show containers
* Show only when hovering
* Show original names (Game names)
* Price depends all items
* Render distance (1-1500m)
* Min price containers (Hold CTRL key and click left mouse button for scale for enter custom numbers)
* Min price item per container (Hold CTRL key and click left mouse button for scale for enter custom numbers)
* Show items
* Show quest items
* Show player inventory
* Render distance items (1-1500m)
* Minimum items price (Hold CTRL key and click left mouse button for scale for enter custom numbers)
* Show corpses
* Price depends all items
* Show only when hovering
* Render distance (1-1500m)
* Minimum price for show corpses
* Minimum item price
* Enable
* Show only custom
* One setting for all custom items
* Refresh items
* Font color
* Font size
* Custom settings per one item
* Current category
* Custom Loot filter
[ MISC ]
* Wepon modifiers (No spread, No recoil, No sway, No malfunctions, Instant aiming, Unlock firerate)
* Inventory modifiers (Instant search, Multi search, Instant examine, Quick load & unload)
* No visor
* Loot through walls
* Silent loot
* Extra lean (1-100%)
* Far door opening
* Quick container opening
* Locked containers looting
* Early access to quest items
* Unmount stationary weapons
* Enable switches
* Thermal vision
* Night vision
* Thirdperson
* Fov modifier third person
* Zoomhack
* Zoomhack modifier
* FOV modifer
* Aspect ratio modifier
* Speedhack (1-40x, include running with broken legs & run through the swamp/etc without slowing down)
* Hight jump
* Hight jump modifier
* Air stuck
* No physical condition
* Bunnyhop
* Auto strafe & Levitation
* Run & Gun
* Infinite stamina & No fatigue
* No weight
* No inertia
* No slowdown
* DPI scale (100-200%)
* Animation speed
* Config (Save, Load)
* Reset menu layout