Cheats for the gameWarface

How to Own the Game with the Best and Tested Cheats for Warface
Being the boss in the virtual world is a matter of honor and fun for any hardcore player. The standard features of any online game offer many ways to show off your skills, but a little help from programmers can boost your stats and the outcome of each battle. For many players, buying cheats for Warface is a no-no, either because they are broke or because they are noobs. Smart gamers take advantage of the extra software to the max, wrecking their enemies faster and easier.
What's a Cheat and Why Do Gamers Use It?
Grinding and looting without cheats is a classic way to level up in the game, but some players get fed up with the slow progress and turn to more efficient solutions. In Warface, cheats activate built-in, hidden features in the game's code by installing a small app over the main game files. These cheats give players an edge by unlocking special abilities, such as:
- Wallhacks (or wall breaking) - allows players to spot enemies behind walls and obstacles;
- Megaaccurasy - tuning of the targeting system for more precise shots;
- Anti-recoil - eliminates weapon recoil for steadier aim;
- Trigger bot - automatic shooting when an enemy's head is in sight;
- Autoshot - AI-powered combat system that tracks and shoots at enemies;
- Anti-aim - fixes the sight in place for better aim.
These are just the most common cheats, and there are plenty of others that are frequently updated. Warface cheats are hugely popular, especially ones that won't get players banned. However, the game's developers are always on the lookout for players with suspiciously high stats, and they will ban anyone they catch using cheats.
How Gamers Get Banned
Most bans are implemented through IP address and are usually temporary, but some bans can also be based on hardware or PC identification information (such as MAC address, SN HDD, OS ID, etc.). Warface cheats from our resource are safe and won't get you banned because they work secretly and don't make any noticeable changes to the main game files.
If you want to avoid getting banned, don't use free cheats from unreliable sources. Game developers have figured out how to detect these cheats, and using them will only get you in trouble. With our paid cheats, however, you're in the clear. Our programmers are always on top of the latest protection measures and know how to bypass them.
What Cheats Can't Do
There's a myth floating around that cheats can magically boost your in-game credits balance. This is just not true. All credit information is stored on the developer's servers and attempting to alter it in any way will result in an instant and permanent ban. Don't waste your time looking for warbucks cheats because they simply don't exist and won't be sold anywhere.
Another common misconception is that cheats can increase your XP. The truth is, the only way to level up is through actual gameplay. Sure, a top-notch cheat might give you a temporary boost, but eventually your stats will catch up and reveal your dirty little secret. So, why bother cheating when you can just enjoy the game and earn victories the old-fashioned way? Check out our online store for some trusted and proven cheats that won't get you banned.